两行故事On the lineShe, a renowned artist and a strict mother, often scolded her 6-year-old son for he could never draw a line straight. As he breathed slowly into the ventilator, she begged him to make one more crooked line on the ECG.
原文出处youthconnect http://www.youthconnect.in 教育什么时候变成了一件残酷的事情人生短暂,换种方式,珍惜一起相伴的日子多好也许现在是“站着说话不腰疼”,希望有一天我能身体力行。#2015年尾故事之两行故事#未完待续* 故事来自Quora等在线网站,我会尝试联系回答者寻求出处授权,但是有些无法联系到,如果是您的原创故事,请及时联系我。Stories came from online websites(Like Quora),I will contact answer publisher for authorization, but sometimes original authors can't be reached . If YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, please contact me.Thanks.撒欢吧谈理想聊人生讲故事相对论花火田丁微信号:huahuoding花火田丁不折腾不人生