题图摄于@澳门博物馆来自葡国的瓷器两行故事She ran like crazyShe ran like crazy , praying none of them would catch up with her, as thousands of eyes were watching all around her. She only stopped when she reached the finish-line as the winner of the marathon.
原文出处Quora https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-of-the-best-short-stories-where-story-changes-in-two-lines (Post by Anjanaa Sowjanyaa) 还有8天就2016年了,KPI是不是还没完成?说好的清单是不是还是那么长,抓紧时间了,马上就要各种年终小结了😄要开始想2016年写点什么了,是不是也要准备点鸡汤文才能涨粉...#2015年尾故事之两行故事#未完待续* 故事来自Quora等在线网站,仅作为个人分享,不作商业用途。我会尝试联系回答者寻求出处授权,但是有些无法联系到,如果是您的原创故事,请及时联系我。Stories came from online websites(Like Quora), only for peronal sharing, not for commercial purpose. I will contact answer publisher for authorization, but sometimes original authors can't be reached . If YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, please contact me.Thanks.撒欢吧谈理想聊人生讲故事相对论花火田丁微信号:huahuoding花火田丁不折腾不人生