The sight of all the blood and messThe sight of all the blood and mess made him extremely happy and he laughed like a maniac.He smiled at his wife and lifted his first-born after 15 childless years.混乱之中血迹斑斑,让他异常兴奋,笑得像个疯子。
他满脸笑意看着妻子,15年了,他们终于有了第一个孩子。 by Anjanaa Sowjanyaa看第一句的时候,以为是恐怖谋杀故事的开端,其实是baby出生的温馨场景。平安夜原创文章的阅读量远超于“两行故事”,果然是要坚持写长文..昨儿说到《最重要的小事》,版权问题微信平台没有找到五只的歌,用首Yanzi的歌来代替。明儿又星期一了,不过元旦也不远了😊* 故事来自Quora等在线网站,仅作为个人分享,不作商业用途。我会尝试联系回答者寻求出处授权,但是有些无法联系到,如果是您的原创故事,请及时联系我。Stories came from online websites(Like Quora), only for peronal sharing, not for commercial purpose. I will contact answer publisher for authorization, but sometimes original authors can't be reached . If YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, please contact me.Thanks.